Mode-Locked Lasers
Mode-Locked Lasers
Mode-locked femtosecond lasers form the engine for many different investigations. The Vescent MLL-100 is an erbium-doped fiber laser which employs a SESAM mode-locker for high stability and long life. The MLL-100 offers repetition rates from 80 to 250 MHz. Control inputs allow the MLL-100 to be actively stabilized to be configured as a frequency comb.
We are proud to offer high-repetition-rate mode-locked lasers (250 MHz to 2.5 GHz) from our partners at Menhir Photonics. These lasers demonstrate extremely low open-loop phase noise in a compact and rugged package for such applications as high-speed analog-to-digital conversion and and terahertz (THz) generation. They are equipped with inputs for cavity length and oscillator drive current control so they can be actively stabilized to create a high-repetition rate frequency comb.