Heterodyne Agile Laser (HAL) Systems
- Two-laser system provides fast optical frequency tuning while maintaining the accuracy of rubidium or cesium spectroscopy
- Low-SWaP optical and electronic design
- Optics Volume <30 cm3
- Electronics + Optics Volume <550 cm3
- Electrical Power consumption <20 W
The HAL series of low-SWaP, atom-referenced, frequency-agile lasers integrates diode laser sources, an alkali metal vapor-based frequency standard, and a heterodyne beat note collection system into a single butterfly package to deliver highly stable tunable light to your quantum sensing devices. Well known for high-speed, low-noise control electronics as well, we provide stand-alone or integrated electronics configurations that will optimize your system with respect to optical performance, space, power consumption, and thermal management requirements. It is possible to customize the HAL for your specific needs, including single- or multiple-laser designs, amplified and shuttered systems, specific form factors, and other wavelengths.